Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations Essay

Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to highlight the groupthink implications, which could easily be pointed out as one of the reasons leading to the crisis. The decisions were either taken alone or by the group in totality, but if the decisions taken are imperfect, then outcomes have huge implications on the society. This study discusses the way in which Janis’ theory of groupthink can be linked to the space shuttle disaster. Groupthink can be described as a psychological process of the group members, where people end up taking an erroneous decision that affects them adversely. This implies that the group unanimously takes a decision, despite the existence of another correct course of action. The proponent of this theory is Irving Janis and his researches show that, at times, group of individuals takes successful decisions and at other times, they are unsuccessful. The root cause for failing to analyse the problem comes from the inability of group members to challenge the traditional understanding. This is because they feel empowered if all members agree to a certain perspective (even if it is erroneous) and fails to provide alternative, critique or a new opinion. This essay will first establish a thorough understanding of the groupthink theory and various critiques that has been proposed by other eminent researchers. The next section deals with application of the groupthink theory on the Challenger space shuttle disaster. This is followed by an alternative theory developed by Whyte in order to explain the Challenger disaster. The recommendations and conclusion are mentioned in the last section. Firstly, the managers of NASA were fully aware of flaws in the design of Morton Thiokol’s O-ring. NASA had tried to underplay the problem at hand and the managers decided to stay on schedule. There were also evidences that data, which was provided to the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) of NASA from Thiokol, had declared that it would be safe to launch the mission.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical Issues on Confidentiality Essay Example for Free

Ethical Issues on Confidentiality Essay Ethical Issues on Confidentiality: Research and Medical Procedures A guiding principle followed by most administrators and health care providers is the concept that ethical principles must match the values of the whole organization. This belief should serve as a continuous teaching to all staff so that the organization’s goals may be uniformly achieved. Healthcare administrators must be fully competent in adhering to the ethical principles of patient and employee confidentiality in order to promote trust, respect, and the protection of individual’s rights concerning health information. This is one of the main objectives of the Privacy Rule or HIPAA, and a breach to this rule is one of the most common ethical issues. When administrators demonstrate capable ethical decisions in guiding the flow of services in the organization, there may only be a few disorders that will be encountered in the operations as a result of ethical perplexities. In the article, Ethics of Stem Cell Research (Siegel, A., Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring2013), the ethical dilemma of confidentiality in research pales in comparison to the dilemma posed in destroying human embryonic cells. A great dispute is presented on the use of human embryos and whether researchers are dealing with a human being or not. The question on the permissibility or the impermissibility to destroy human embryos is fully explored without the full ethical answer being presented. Confidentiality, research, and medical procedures all impart ethical dilemmas that complicate organizational activities. Problems of the Affected Population: Patients and Participants In the procurement of embryotic cells for example, research subjects are not considered the same way as patients and regarded differently in terms of confidentiality and privacy issues. According to the article, HIPAA, the Privacy Rule, and Its Application to Health Research (2009), â€Å"Health research is not the focus of HIPAA.† and, â€Å"Because a great deal of health research in the United States is also subject to the Common Rule- the federal rule that governs most federally funded research conducted on human beings and aims to ensure  that the rights of human subjects are protected during the course of a research project, historically focusing on protection from physical and mental harm by stressing autonomy and consent.† (HIPAA and Research, Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research, 2009). Many research institutions are not considered covered entities and therefore the subjects are not covered by the Privacy law. Nevertheless, all subjects must submit personally identifiable health information and in the course of research or procedure, a subject may be harmed. This is an uneven application of confidentiality and the Privacy law that gives more benefit to a patient than a research subject. Medical research in particular has a participant and some experimental procedures are accomplished with the patient as the subject in the belief that the experiment could bring positive results to the patient specially, when there is no definite answer to a needed treatment. According to Fremgen B.F. (2009), ethical issues arise when there is harmful effect to the patient from experimental procedures. Lack of understanding and communication remains a big barrier to ethical issues. Somehow the creation of the Privacy Law did not consider the welfare of the research subject, yet they are likened to a patient who undergoes procedures, submits identifiable health information, and when procedures are not perfect, may also suffer harmful consequences. The other bothersome issue is when the bodily parts contributed by the participant are sold, reused or endorsed to other institutions for other purposes. Other issues pertain to the interest of the researcher placed above the interest of the patient (B.F.Fremgen2009). Informed and voluntary consent from participants are used as shield in order to further the research activities, but privacy and confidentiality are both compromised on research participants and must also be incorporated. Proposed Solutions In California, where the biggest budget for stem cell research is allocated, the California Institute of Regenerative medicine (CIRM) in their objectives has encouraged institutions and researchers on the development of best practices in hSC projects. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at each research institution must be responsible for the proper review of projects involving human participants. The regulations of the CIRM implies that donor  consent must be understood fully by the participant, maintain a clear record of every embryo, strict accounting of donated cells, and must always be consistent with existing laws. In fairness to the donor, any medical complication must be treated fully, and the donor must not bear any cost for any treatment (G.P Lomax, Z. Hall, B. Lo, Responsible Oversight of Human Stem Cell Research: The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, 2007) The foundation for all procurement of biological materials can be summed in informed consent. Authorizations and voluntary consent must be explicitly understood by the donor and must be presented with choices they can understand including the information regarding the destruction of the cells, commercial application and sharing (L. P Knowles, Issues in Procurement of Embryonic Stem Cells: Informed Consent and Conflict of Interest, n.d.) Information management system must be in place for protection of confidentiality. In most instances, the system must protect the anonymity of the donor to safeguard privacy. There will always be people who would donate biological materials for their own reasons beyond ones understanding. These individuals must be informed fully of the consequences and possible risks. In some places, inducement of monetary consideration is prohibited. However, there are instances when the donor sincerely commits to help in exchange for some requirements like burial assistance when deemed terminally ill. Ethical issues and personal choice of the donor must be taken into consideration at all times and the option to donate must be free from pressure. In some parts of the globe, there are ads roaming related to procurement of organs from individuals who are impoverished and destitute. The government and the public must be vigilant in exposing this black market trade of organ trafficking so as to safeguard the dignity, confidentiality, and humanity in general. The mainstream media must be cooperative in relaying to the public not only the positive implications of medical research but also the contrary, so that that knowledge and understanding of present scientific advancement and problems may be learned. The Administrator and Ethical Issues An administrator who is engaged in a healthcare institution where research activities are occurring commits to a heavier burden of maintaining the place for it to be free of ethical issues. Aside from the issue of  patient care, privacy, lack of resources, maintaining regulations, and promoting goodwill, the needed knowledge on the requirements or regulations on research must be understood. The administrator must be adept at ethical analysis and organizational policies. Many have not been through a lot of experience related to research institutions but according to Fremgen B. F. (2009), â€Å"Adherence to bioethical principles involves the entire healthcare team, not just the physicians† (pg. 251). The ethics of the institution must be in accord with the staff and conflicting values should not prevail. The administrator must know how to initiate educational sessions and communicate the ethical values even with the integration of research and experimental procedures. References Siegel, A. Ethics of Stem Cell Research, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, rev. Jan 28,2013 Retrieved from: Knowles, L.P. Issues in Procurement of Embryonic Stem Cell: Informed Consent and Conflicts of Interest, Retrieved:: Consent-and-Conflicts-of-Interest.pdf Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information: The HIPAA Privacy Rule; Nass SJ, Levit LA, Gostin LO, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2009.Retrieved from: Lomax GP, Hall ZW, Lo B (2007) Responsible Oversight of Human Stem Cell Research: The California Institute for Regenerative Medicines Medical and Ethical Standards.Retrieved B.F. Fremgen, Medical Law and Ethics (Third Ed. 2009)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy - The Humanist Chronotope Essay -- Spanish T

Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy - The Humanist Chronotope In "Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel," Mikhail Bakhtin defines the chronotope as "the intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships that are artistically expressed in literature" (84). That is what the chronotope is; Bakhtin continues with what the chrontope does: "It can even be said that it is precisely the chronotope that defines genre and generic distinctions" (85). In The Spanish Tragedy, Kyd layers three chronotopic zones to create a new chronotope, the "humanist chronotope," which in turn creates a unique dramatic genre, one we might call "humanist drama." According to Bakhtin, two seminal chronotopes from classical literature form the basis of most later chronotopes. The first of these seminal chronotopes is the adventure chronotope, found in romance narratives such as Longus’s Daphnis and Chloe. Time in this chronotope is a random and non-causal chain of events characterized by "suddenly" and "at just that moment" that ends at the same point in biographical time at which it began. Time is thus infinite, reversible, and extratemporal; it is also governed by chance, and therefore, Bakhtin writes, "The initiative in this time does not belong to human beings" (95). Extratemporal time requires "extraspatial" space that is abstract rather than concrete, as a concrete space, argues Bakhtin, would limit the power of chance. Adventure space is also alien space: a familiar world would also leave traces that would limit the chance that drives time in the romance. Apuleius’s The Golden Ass exemplifies the second seminal chronotope: the adventure-everyday chronotope, a hybrid, as the name suggests, of the abstract adventure chronotope and a ... a dumb show, so too will the audience understand the idea after the performance of The Spanish Tragedy. Kyd’s "humanist chronotope" thus places drama at the center of humanist learning: yet it is as a spectator, not as an actor or playwright, that one becomes a humanist. WORKS CITED Bakhtin, M.M. "Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel: Notes toward a Historical Poetics." Michael Holquist, ed. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by M.M. Bakhtin. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: U of Texas P, 1981. 84-258. Freeman, Arthur. Thomas Kyd: Facts and Problems. Oxford: Clarendon, 1967. Kyd, Thomas. The Spanish Tragedy. J.R. Mulryne, ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1989. Mann, Nicholas. "The Origins of Humanism." Jill Kraye, ed. The Cambridhe Companion to Renaissance Humanism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 1-19.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why obama is ruining this country

Obama is not stupid, he is simply evil. He is tearing apart this country from the inside and 51% of Americans were stupid to let this communist bastard back in to the white house even after four years of him doing, well, NOTHING. At least nothing beneficial. Now this socialist pig is trying to get rid of â€Å"assault weapons† and 30 round magazines. Colorado theater shooting, sandy hook, even so far back as columbine high school were a result of a mentally unstable person or persons acting violently because they were insane.If you walked up to a sane, rational person and handed them a loaded AR-1 5 chances are they wouldn't think â€Å"Oh well I have this gun, might as well go rob that gas station, and while I'm at it, I'm going to shoot up a school. † These socialist politicians are too stupid to figure that out. I agree with you that he wants total control of the US, I wouldn't even be surprised if he tried to run for a third term. He could probably find some loop ho le. And all the minorities and illegal would rally behind him if he wanted another term.In addition to all of this, he is a post turtle. He is president, sure, but he sure as hell didn't get there by himself. I will close with saying this: I have only been on this earth for 14 years but In that time I have seen the once great America crumble around me. The world hates us, we turned tall In Vietnam, and now Afghanistan. This once great nation is turning into a communist powerhouse and all the dumb-asses that voted for Obama are scratching their empty minded heads eying â€Å"Well he promised change, I guess capitalism to communism Is change, that's good, right? I have watched time and time again, news reporters walk up to minorities and go â€Å"Do you think Obama Is doing a good Job? † then they would reply â€Å"Well yes. † then the reporter would say â€Å"What do you think he has done that has benefited us the most? † then they would respond with, â€Å"Wel l, man, uh†¦. It's all good. † And that's the best they could come up with. I submit that If America continues on this path, It might as well bend over, grab It's ankles, and kiss It's ass goodbye.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Big Switch

The president of our company has brought to our attention that he would appreciate it if our department could create a new information system for our company. The current information system that we use is Microsoft Excel and we need to create a way to transfer and implement the new office system of Microsoft Access. We need to explain the current downsides to using Microsoft Excel and explain the positive ways by using Microsoft Access that will help our company grow, expand, and be more efficient to our company. We also need to come up with software that is compatible to Microsoft Access just to have a contingency plan, in case the president is not pleased with the results we research and to help improve the internal communications along with help make the workflow of the sales department improve. We do know that the current plan is not working for our company and we need to all work diligently to improve our current system and make the transition easy. Microsoft office is a great tool and Excel, when used properly, is a valuable asset. The problem with Microsoft Excel is that there are various manual inputs that can go wrong. Other common problems that can cause an error involve not using a colon to indicate a range of cells, forgetting to close your parentheses, and adding common formats as part of the formula (Murray, 2013). The formulas that Excel uses would be complicated to track everything. (Murray, 2013) It is also very difficult to track the history of changes that our company uses has it moves forward. This would not only hinder the company but could possibly cause miscommunication of the data inputted. (Murray, 2013) These reasons stated above are why the company should not use the Excel program to move forward in the progression of the company. With Access, it is a relational database association that exists between the tables, which stores the data. These help to maintain the integrity of the data contained within. Access can store tons of data in different forms and yet still intertwine for easy referencing and analyzing. (Microsoft, 2013) Access is also great for the business since it has the ability to manage contacts, track inventory, track orders, and events. (Microsoft, 2013) One great feature about Access is that multiple users can have it opened working on the same database and only what the other person is working on is locked. Microsoft, 2013) This allows several people to input their data at the same time and it is secure. Conclusion As one can see there are far more advantages using Microsoft Access verses using Microsoft Excel. Access is more suited for our company’s needs now. Using Access will cut down on our company’s mistakes. This will utilize and maximize our company’s growth. This will increase the employee production. In the long run, Access will make the company’s bottom line profit grow, which at the end of the day is the most important thing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Off Shoring †Management Essay and Analysis

Off Shoring – Management Essay and Analysis Free Online Research Papers The issues with off shoring are that there is not enough information as well as vagueness of the information presented. It is important to address both sides of the issue in order to get a better understanding of whether or not off shoring is a good business decision. There are four areas which are taken into consideration when looking at the effects of offshoring on the U.S. economy that have two opposing sides. One issue is the average U.S. standard of living which is predicted to be beneficial in the long run with the use of offshoring, however some argue that offshoring could harm the standard of living by undermining U.S. technological leadership. Another issue is employment and job loss, some predict that offshoring will have little effect on overall employment levels, however there are still arguments that it may be a much larger impact on the white collar jobs that the U.S. offers. A third issue is the distribution of income, â€Å"some economists maintain that offshoring could increase income inequality in the U.S., while others argue that changes in the income distribution are driven primarily by factors other than offshoring.† (GAO, Overview of the Issues) A final issue is security and consumer privacy. O ffshoring may actually be making our national defense system vulnerable as well as consumer’s financial and medical information. There are many resources for and against the use of offshoring, although there are negative effects of offshoring, the positive effects seem to outweigh them. Globalization â€Å"has left many Americans disgruntled, jobless, and distrustful of corporations that practice it† ( Job loss and loss to U.S. income have seem to be the most prevailing of all issues against offshore outsourcing. Some feel that the potential damage to the labor market remains quite large and is heavily ignored by studies purporting to tally offshoring’s costs and benefits. (Economic Policy Institute) Although it may make sense for some firms to resort to offshore outsourcing, if the trend becomes too widespread, resulting in an increase in foreign productivity in sectors where the U.S. is a net exporter, it could actually result in a loss to U.S. income through terms of trade effects. â€Å"The terms of trade of the U.S. refer to the prices foreign purchasers pay for U.S. exports relative to the prices U.S. residents pay for imports. If U.S. exports fetch ever higher prices on world markets and/or U.S. import prices dro p, the terms of trade for the United States improve- the United States is able to consume more goods given its current income and productivity. If instead U.S. exports fetch ever lower prices and/or imports become more expensive, U.S. terms of trade deteriorate and its residents are able to consume less given current income and productivity.† (Economic Policy Institute) Also if the U.S. economy reaps efficiency gains from offshoring, these are unlikely to accrue to American workers. Of all the net jobs predicted to be created in 2008 due to offshoring, 44% are in only two sectors: construction and transportation/utilities. Another point made about labor is that â€Å"software is a very labor intensive industry, and large price declines can be had in this sector only through a large reduction in labor costs. This means either large scale employment relocation to other nations, or significant wage cuts for software engineers, publishers, and programmers in the United State s.† (Economic Policy Institute) The rising popularity of offshore outsourcing will continue to push down the prices of IT services for the next several years, this is a challenge for IT service providers. A second major risk is data security. Most countries do not have the protective practices that the U.S. and Europe require. The channels are well beyond the control of the company or the provider. These channels often do not have end to end transaction encryption which leaves vulnerability throughout the communication path. Validating security in a multi-vendor, multi-client, mixed environment is extremely difficult. There are also gaps in personal security, many companies have weak personnel policies. Also offshore providers do not have very strict contractual agreements so when there is a security breach they are less likely to inform clients of it. This lack of offshore loyalty also leads to many viruses implemented by possible government intelligence or organized crime. By offshoring, a company gives up a certain amount of control of the business processes. â€Å"Also, language barriers, cultural barriers and the protection of intellectual property, or lack thereof, can increase the risk of miscommunication and consequent misinterpretation of legal commitments.† ( Research Papers on Off Shoring - Management Essay and AnalysisDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAWThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Project Managment Office SystemAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hurricane Etymology and Word Facts

Hurricane Etymology and Word Facts The word hurricane is widely known and recognized by all people, but its etymology is lesser-known. How old is the word hurricane and where does it come from? Hurricanes AreNamed for the Mayan God "Huracan" Our English word hurricane comes from the Taino (the indigenous people of the Caribbean and Florida) word huricn, who was the Carib Indian god of evil. Their huricn was derived from the  Mayan god of wind, storm, and fire, huracn. When the Spanish explorers passed through the Caribbean, they picked it up and it turned into huracn, which remains the Spanish word for hurricane still today.  By the 16th century, the word was  modified once again  to our present-day hurricane.   (Hurricane isnt the only weather word with roots in the Spanish language. The word tornado is an altered form of the Spanish words tronado, which means thunderstorm, and tornar, to turn.)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hurricanes Aren't Hurricanes Until Winds Reach 74mph+ We tend to call any swirling storm in the tropical ocean a hurricane, but this isnt really true. Only when a tropical cyclones maximum sustained winds reach 74  miles per hour or more do meteorologists classify it as a hurricane.  Ã‚   They're Not Called Hurricanes Everywhere in the World Tropical cyclones have different titles depending on where in the world they are located. Mature tropical cyclones  with winds of 74 mph or more that exist anywhere in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or in the eastern or central North Pacific Ocean east of the International Date Line are called hurricanes. Mature tropical cyclones that form in the Northwest Pacific basin the  western part of the North Pacific Ocean, between 180 °Ã‚  (the International Date Line)  and 100 ° East longitude are called typhoons.  Such tempests  within the North  Indian Ocean  between 100 ° E and 45 ° E are simply called  cyclones. Hurricanes Get PersonalizedNames to Better Track Them Since storms can last for weeks and more than one storm can be occurring at a time in the same body of water, theyre given male and female  names to reduce confusion about which storm forecasters are communicating about to the public.   Hurricane Names Are BorrowedFrom Names of the People They Impact Many storm names are unique to the basin they exist in and regions they impact. This is because names are lifted from those popular in the nations and territories of the lands within that basin. For example, tropical cyclones in the northwest Pacific (near China, Japan, and the Philippines) receive names common to the Asian culture as well as names taken from those of flowers and trees.  Ã‚   Updated by Tiffany Means

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Immigration Rules for Cuban Nationals

Immigration Rules for Cuban Nationals For years, the United States was chided for giving migrants from Cuba special treatment that no other group of refugees or immigrants had received with the former wet foot/dry foot policy. As of January 2017, the special parole policy for Cuban migrants was discontinued. The discontinuation of the policy reflects the reestablishment of full diplomatic relations with Cuba and other concrete steps toward the normalization of U.S.-Cuba relations that President Barack Obama initiated in 2015. Storied Past of the "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" Policy The former â€Å"wet foot/dry foot policy† put Cubans who reached U.S. soil on a fast track to permanent residency. The policy expired on January 12, 2017. The U.S. government had initiated the policy in 1995 as an amendment to the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act that Congress passed when  Cold War tensions ran high between the U.S. and the island nation of Cuba. The policy stated that if a Cuban migrant was apprehended in the water between the two countries, the migrant was considered to have â€Å"wet feet† and was sent back home. However, a Cuban who made it to the U.S. shore can claim â€Å"dry feet† and qualify for legal permanent resident status and U.S. citizenship. The policy had made exceptions for Cubans who were caught at sea and could prove they were vulnerable to persecution if sent back. The idea behind the â€Å"wet foot/dry foot policy† was to prevent a mass exodus of refugees such as the Mariel boatlift in 1980 when some 125,000 Cuban refugees sailed to South Florida. Over the decades, untold numbers of Cuban migrants lost their lives at sea making the perilous 90-mile crossing, often in homemade rafts or boats. In 1994, the Cuban economy was in dire straits after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Cuban President Fidel Castro threatened to encourage another exodus of refugees, a second Mariel lift, in protest of the U.S. economic embargo against the island. In response, the U.S. initiated the â€Å"wet foot/dry foot† policy to discourage Cubans from leaving. The U.S. Coast Guard and Border Patrol agents intercepted roughly 35,000 Cubans in the year leading up to the policy’s implementation. The policy was wrought with extreme criticism for its preferential treatment. For example, there were migrants from Haiti and the Dominican Republic who had arrived on U.S. land, even on the same boat with Cuban migrants, but were returned to their homelands while Cubans were allowed to stay. The Cuban exception had originated in Cold War politics from the 1960s. After the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs, the U.S. government viewed migrants from Cuba through a prism of political oppression. On the other hand, officials view migrants from Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and other nations in the region as economic refugees who almost always would not qualify for political asylum. Over the years, the â€Å"wet foot/dry foot† policy had created some bizarre theater along Florida’s coasts. At times, the Coast Guard had used water cannons and aggressive interception techniques to force boats of migrants away from land and prevent them from touching U.S. soil. A television news crew shot video of a Cuban migrant running through the surf like a football halfback trying to fake out a member of law enforcement by touching down on dry land and sanctuary in the United States. In 2006, the Coast Guard found 15 Cubans clinging to the defunct Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys but since the bridge was no longer used and cut off from land, the Cubans found themselves in legal limbo over whether they were considered dry foot or wet foot. The government ultimately ruled the Cubans were not on dry land and sent them back to Cuba. A court decision later criticized the move. Despite the expiration of the former policy, Cuban nationals have several options to apply for green card or permanent resident status. These options include the general immigration laws afforded all non-Americans seeking immigration to the U.S. through the Immigration and Nationality Act as well as the Cuban Adjustment Act, the Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program, and the Diversity Green Card lottery held every year. The Cuban Adjustment Act The Cuban Adjustment Act (CAA) of 1996 provides for a special procedure under which Cuban natives or citizens and their accompanying spouses and children may get a green card. The CAA gives the American Attorney General the discretion to grant permanent residence to Cuban natives or citizens applying for a green card if they have been present in the United States for at least 1 year, they have been admitted or paroled, and they are admissible as immigrants. According to U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS), Cuban applications for a green card or permanent residence may be approved even if they do not meet the ordinary requirements of Section 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Since the caps on immigration do not apply to adjustments under the CAA, it is not necessary for the individual to be the beneficiary of an immigrant visa petition. Additionally, a Cuban native or citizen who arrives at a place other than an open port-of-entry may still be eligible for a green card if USCIS has paroled the individual into the United States. The Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program Created in 2007, the Cuban Family Reunification Parole (CFRP) Program allows certain eligible U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to apply for parole for their family members in Cuba. If granted parole, these family members may come to the United States without waiting for their immigrant visas to become available. Once in the United States, CFRP Program beneficiaries may apply for work authorization while they wait to apply for lawful permanent resident status. Diversity Lottery Program The U.S. government also admits about 20,000 Cubans each year through a visa lottery program. To qualify for the Diversity Via Program lottery, an applicant must be a foreign citizen or national not born in the United States, from a country with a low immigration rate to the U.S. People born in countries with high U.S. immigration are excluded from this immigration program. Eligibility is determined only by the country of your birth, it is not based on country of citizenship or current residence which is a common misperception that applicants make when applying for this immigration program.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Maritime Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Maritime Economics - Essay Example h is to provide rapid customer response, location of services are convenient for access, and utilize up to date information technology to improving service operations (Osler 2012). The paper also intends to analyze longevity of technology based on competitive advantage and their importance and view of how to improve the competitiveness. 3 Maritime economics involves the integration of ocean transport and terminal management. The main goal is to provide an in-depth analysis of logistics services. A keen interest is on the way the logistics and maritime time related to economics which brings about the ocean transport business. It revolves around the focusing on the joint optimization of container terminals and liner shipping networks (Blecker & Kersten 2011). 4 Logistics in many contexts involves the delivery f goods and services with proper quality and quantity. Logistics depends on timely delivery and the destination of delivery. The most notable aspect of logistic is promptness of delivery because delay of any kind causes significant losses to the recipient of the consignment. Logistics traditionally depended on transportation only. Nowadays, it depends on reliable roads, and record keeping improved by higher technology, globalization, legislation, and integration. The logistics management comprises of material management, channel management, physical distribution, and it is pert of the whole supply chain management. Movement of goods is not the only logistics activities; it involves stock control in the warehousing systems and the movement of goods in the storage units (Martin 2009). Logistics forms a crucial area in supply chain and brings issues like planning, implementation, and effective management. 4 Many immerse growth activities realized in the logistics sector especially in the emerging economies. This shows a better future with third party providers. This growth realized in the area of logistics largely coming from third party providers such as

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Globalisation - Essay Example The reason for this is based on the tremendous amount of positives that come hand in hand with the facets of globalization. Hence in order to fully understand the intricate details related with globalization, one must base a sound belief on the strengths related with production and marketing. Once again, it is important to touch upon the exact definition of globalization before moving ahead any further (Hersh 2000). I define globalization as â€Å"the cumulative basis of strengths, transferred from one world region to another, in a capacity that derives opportunities for all the major and minor stakeholders, time and time again.† When one tries to establish the exact basis of production and marketing globalization, the four significant drivers need to be understood in a proper fashion, as these form the core essence of globalization in the first place. These four drivers are the use of Information Technology, the Just in Time and Total Quality Management business processes to speed up work activities, the Sales Force Automation quarters, and lastly the Outsourcing mechanisms which have had a huge say in building growth and development within the globalization auspices on a proactively consistent basis. The four drivers have played their essential roles within the acceleration processes of globalization in the last decade or so. This has happened with the influx of resources and budget more importantly. This has also happened because the top management domains within the organizations that have chosen globalization for their own selves, have understood that globalization indeed is a force to reckon with (Tayl or 2002). They have accepted the challenges thrown their way and have clearly realized the potential of globalization within the broader contexts. These four drivers are essentially the instigating mechanisms of change within the modern day organizations. Their roles have had a huge say in outlining the proper structure of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

BRAND PERSONALITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

BRAND PERSONALITY - Essay Example 392). The concept of brand personality eludes clear definition. Anandan (2009) provides what is probably the most practicable description: ‘Simply put, brand personality answers the question â€Å"What happens when the brand turns into a human being?† or â€Å"What happens when the brand comes alive?† (p. 139). Brand personality is also defined as â€Å"the set of human characteristics associated with a brand† (Asperin, 2007, p. 49). The concern of marketing practitioners as far as brand marketing is concerned is therefore how to personify a brand. Kumar (2009) links brand personality to self-concept, and it is self-expression, rather than emotion, that more significantly develops brand personality (p. 177-178). Brand personality is achieved by associating human characteristics that consumers commonly attribute to a brand. The characteristic may be in terms of demographic attributes (age, gender, status), lifestyle (activities, social class), culture (value s, beliefs), and other personality traits. The brand may be associated with celebrities or historical figures, and several devices may be used such as animism, anthropomorphism, personification, and user imagery (Purkayastha, 2009). A well established brand personality must possess the following attributes: (1) elements of the brand’s marketing mix are deliberately coordinated; (2) personality sought is competitively distinctive and desirable; and (3) the personality sought is robust and kept consistent over time and over media (Aaker & Biel, 1993, p. 49). Brand personality influences the choice of consumers by enabling them to express who they are by the brands they use (Asperin, 2007, p. 49). Brand personality can help marketers in: (1) the conception and creation of a brand; (2) evaluating its perception in the minds of the customer and compare it with what was expected; and (3) incorporating necessary changes to make the brand more attractive in order to meet the goals of creating lasting consumer satisfaction and loyalty (Purkayastha, 2009). In recent years, brand personality has become a topic of interest not only among academic researchers but more especially among marketing managers and strategists. This is evident in a scan of professional and academic journals on marketing research and applications. The principal theoretical framework employed in academic literature is the multidimensional framework, first devised by Aaker, and later developed by other researchers to account for market-specific factors and universal, cross-cultural studies. Aaker’s Brand Personality Framework In applying brand personality constructs, the theoretical paradigm most commonly used is the multi-dimensional framework devised by Aaker, which is considered the prevailing standard. The Aaker framework is accepted as a comprehensive framework that may be generalised over a broad number of product categories (Malik & Naeem, 2012). The Aaker framework underlies the Brand Personality Scale, or BPS, developed by the same author. Based on an extensive study of American consumers, Aaker derived a framework comprised of five core dimensions and their facets, as follows (Guse, 2011): (1) Sincerity (Domestic, honest, genuine, cheerful); (2) Excitement (Daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date); (3) Competence (Reliable, responsible, dependable, efficient); (4) Sophistication (Glamorous, pretentious, charming, romantic); and (5) Ruggedness (Tough, strong, outdoorsy, rugged). The study of Malik and Naeem (2012), however, called attention to the perception that Aaker’s framework provides only a crude estimation of brand personality because it transposes human personality traits instead of using the brands themselves. The study also expresses concern that the original

The adventure of sherlock holmes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The adventure of sherlock holmes - Essay Example Components such as plot, character and narrator make understanding of the stories quite easy. While a number of publications do not have all the components, others employ all for the purpose of drawing meaning. Doyle uses plot, narrative and character to help simplify the stories and ensure clear understanding of the stories (Doyle, 3). In the ‘Adventure of Red Headed League’, Doyle uses plot, narrator and character to help open up the story to the reader for a better consumption (Doyle, 45). With respect to plot, the sequence of events from one issue to another helps the reader to connect the dots and relate the content of the story. This is what brings an understanding to the reader. For instance, Holmes and Watson are vastly mentioned in the adventure. In the plot, the lines reveal multiple sides of Holmes while being silent on Watson. The plot of the story is choreographed in such a way that Holmes is portrayed as all knowing and tries to jargon through a number of issues. Through this, Doyle makes the story to be understood through the interactions between Watson and Holmes. Holmes as in the story has a character that is questionable (Doyle, 65). Throughout the story, the reader is left pondering on how Holmes is to behave in the next coming lines. Flipping over the pages is eminent as the readerà ¢â‚¬â„¢s attention is drawn to the events. The plot of the story makes it possible to understand the wellbeing of the individuals in the adventure to the extent that it becomes easy to understand the essence of everyone’s role and background. Consequently, in the Red-Headed League, there are events that are characteristics of the use of a plot (Doyle, 80). Mr. Holmes in the story is met by a man disturbed man whose descriptions in the definition of a joke. His concern is to get to the bottom of the messages going about claiming that he is a joker. From this point, his search for the truth makes him to move from one step to the other with Holmes being

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International Law as a Substantive Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Law as a Substantive Law - Essay Example They have been active for long enough and are administering over the peace, smooth operation of activities and other political activities monitoring and facilitating the member countries.The overall performance of international law and the organs sanctioned under it:There are number of positives that can be attributed to the existence and working of international law. This comes in form of the prevention of the Third World war. Since the horrific event of Hiroshima, Nagasaki the world has been protected from the outbreak of any nuclear war. This can be attributed to the entity of United Nations and the work of International law.Apart from this the entity of United Nations organization have intervened time and again to prevent further escalation of circumstances and scenarios in different parts of the world. The presence of U.N peace keeping force is another area that speaks of the effective presence of the global entity of United Nations.The case of Yugoslavia and U.N:Yugoslavia saw one of the most barbaric event of history since the end of Second World War. It was engulfed into a war within. The nature of the war was ethnic in nature and the subjects were being persecuted. United Nations organization as the rightful owner and protector of the humanity and mankind rose to the occasion and took notice of the events that were taking place there. It dispatched United Nations peacekeeping force that was sent for purpose of restoring peace and protecting any further escalation of the situation.

MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN - Essay Example McDonalds’s Corporation has redesigned its strategy for communication with great focus on the target audience (recipient). The strategy is designed to pass information to both internal and external parties, having interest in McDonald’s. Internal communication strategy targets mainly the staffs and shareholders, channels used to are intranet network and newsletter. External parties mainly consumers and potential investors are kept in touch with the company through promotion. The channels use is mainly advertisement using online platform and billboards, which updates them on the company’s products and services. The Corporation has an enormous number of customers of over 68 million in 119 countries whom it has had since its inception and who are loyal to their products. Royalty between the customers and the corporation creates a solid foundation for the development of a new product. The corporation has an enormous income of over 6 billion us dollars that it can use a portion of the revenue collected to market the already newly developed product in the market. Due to their financial stability, the corporation can employ well-trained staffs who can sell the product with diligence and excellence. Extension of their services on top of the services already offered may increase the difficulty of management issues, therefore, the need to employ people who are highly skilled with huge experience in the sector. United States of America has a well established political stability; political stability encourages investment and development of the already existing businesses. McDonald’s Corporation having being located in this region provides a base for its growth and development. U.S.A has different people with different cultural practices. Due to their diversity in culture introduction of Halal meat by McDonald’s Corporation will be highly embraced by quite a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

International Law as a Substantive Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Law as a Substantive Law - Essay Example They have been active for long enough and are administering over the peace, smooth operation of activities and other political activities monitoring and facilitating the member countries.The overall performance of international law and the organs sanctioned under it:There are number of positives that can be attributed to the existence and working of international law. This comes in form of the prevention of the Third World war. Since the horrific event of Hiroshima, Nagasaki the world has been protected from the outbreak of any nuclear war. This can be attributed to the entity of United Nations and the work of International law.Apart from this the entity of United Nations organization have intervened time and again to prevent further escalation of circumstances and scenarios in different parts of the world. The presence of U.N peace keeping force is another area that speaks of the effective presence of the global entity of United Nations.The case of Yugoslavia and U.N:Yugoslavia saw one of the most barbaric event of history since the end of Second World War. It was engulfed into a war within. The nature of the war was ethnic in nature and the subjects were being persecuted. United Nations organization as the rightful owner and protector of the humanity and mankind rose to the occasion and took notice of the events that were taking place there. It dispatched United Nations peacekeeping force that was sent for purpose of restoring peace and protecting any further escalation of the situation.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How can insurance be used to decrease healthcare costs and increase Essay

How can insurance be used to decrease healthcare costs and increase quality of care - Essay Example The quality of the treatment is another problem that needs consideration. Most of the uninsured and low-income groups are not in a position to get good quality healthcare. The present essay is intended to study a brief history of healthcare industry and to analyze problems and reasons for the high costs associated. The proposals that are put forward for the reformation of current state of healthcare system also would be analyzed so as to reach a conclusion on the best strategy to be adopted so as to decrease the costs of healthcare and to increase the quality of the healthcare. The health insurance plans began in United States of America during the civil war that took place during 1861 to 1865 (Murray, 2007). At that time only accidents that was caused during transport and that too through either rail or steamboat had any coverage for insurance. Since then more and more plans, which provided coverage for most of the illness were added and in the year 1847, Massachusetts Health Insurance of Boston offered the first group policy with a lot of benefits. Individual disability and illness policies were issued by 1890. Arguments or cry for modern group health insurance plan was started in United States only in 1920s and by that time it was far behind many of the European countries. But there was no political pressure for such a law. Reformers started to ask the cost of medical care instead of wages lost due to sickness mainly because the former was much higher than the latter in as early as 1920s. During this period itself the health care available to poor people in the country was quite inadequate. The first company to offer health insurance coverage for all its employees was General Motors (Murray, 2007). The depression that gulped the country in 1930's resulted in more insurance coverage for unemployed and aged people. There was no priority for healthcare insurance at that time. Blue cross, which is a non-profit organization, began to offer health insurance in a number of states during this period. In Blues every one irrespective of age or sex or their disease conditions were charged the same premium. Since the Blues were created by hospitals, potential patients were encouraged to sign up (Noah, 2007). It was in 1940's that the present practice of employer-based system of health insurance was first offered (Noah, 2007). This was in an effort to combat the wage and price controls during the Second World War. The labor unions urged for better benefits and tax-free employer sponsored health insurance. The employers had to attract their employees and so they offered whatever that was asked for. Prepaid group healthcare was started at this time. President Truman was a proponent of national health program plan in which the government would be the payer of the whole of the American society. At that time it was opposed by American Medical Association and the law or bill could

Monday, October 14, 2019

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Example for Free

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Plastic surgery is a medical field that deals with reshaping some body deformities that may have occurred due to birth defects or accidents. It is also used for other purposes such as treating diseases and beauty purposes. An example of a disease which can be treated through plastic surgery is melanoma. If plastic surgery is carried out for younger looks or beauty purposes, it is referred to as cosmetic surgery. This paper will directly address the issue of cosmetic surgery since it is what has caused plastic surgeries addiction all over the world. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay Cosmetic surgeries are never related to any medical condition and are normally done to enhance the physical appearance of an individual. Cosmetic surgery addicts are easily identifiable due to the numerous surgeries they undergo each time claiming that they are not happy with their looks. Many victims of cosmetic surgery suffer from a medical condition known as Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD). This mental disorder has made people imagine that they look different from others and there is a need for surgery so that they can improve their looks. Discussion Cosmetic surgery is a major problem today as a number of people who are addicted to it are doing it repeatedly in order to achieve their imaginary beauty. This practice is becoming frequent and in many instances it is affecting women as they try to change and improve their physical appearances. The problem with such kind of people only exists in their mind because it is hard to view yourself as being ugly from others, it is only a perception. If you view yourself as being ugly from others, the problem will never end even if you undergo so many plastic surgeries. This perception will directly influence the level of your happiness and accepting yourself the way you are. The practices of undergoing plastic surgery repeatedly in order to feel happy and look like the ones you view as more beautiful than yourself is what doctors refer to as BDD. This condition normally affects both male and females under the age of 18 equally (Gorbis, 2003). People suffering from BDD use plastic surgery as a solution to their unending dissatisfaction with their body physical appearance (Gorbis, 2003). Almost all people who suffer from BDD seek solution to cosmetic surgery. As a surgeon, you should be able to discover someone suffering from this medical condition and recommend him/her to a psychologist. Any invention has both positive and negative sides but plastic surgery addiction would cause more harm to the body compared to the benefits associated with it. For instance, it can damage the skin and muscle tissue of an individual permanently. Another well-known harm caused by plastic surgery addiction is the permanent nerve damage. This may result to permanent loss of feeling and sensation in all the affected areas of an individual who have undergone plastic surgery repeatedly. Many individuals who undergo plastic surgery repeatedly to perfect their physical appearances in most cases end up with irreversible damage that make them look awful compared to their original appearances. Plastic surgery addiction cause more harm to the physical appearance of people with BDD instead of enhancing it. People suffering from BDD undergo plastic surgery so that they can attract attention from the public. They later regret when things go wrong. This is an indication that it should be discouraged and people suffering from BDD should be referred to a Psychiatrist or psychologist instead of a surgeon. Plastic surgery is not cost friendly at all. The operation is very expensive and its outcomes are sometimes not worth the price. What the addicted victims fail to understand is that, plastic surgery operation can only result to two things. That is, a great success or a failure. This means that, the more operations you undergo, the higher the risk of failure (Pruitt, 2009). Many individuals who are addicted to plastic surgery are attracted by what they see in the media. They watch successful surgeries of famous celebrities and think that it might as well work on. This is not usually the case and the individuals we watch on the media having successful surgeries sometimes develop problems at a later date. Plastic surgery addiction is very different from drugs and other things addiction in that it fulfills people physiological needs. Therefore, it is normally difficult for individuals who are not satisfied with their physical appearance to stop plastic surgery. This is something they are viewing in the mirror now and then. If they are not satisfied with what they see, they will definitely run to a surgeon so that the body part they feel is not well placed can be rectified. The problem with such an individual is that he/she is likely not to be satisfied with many body parts. Thus, resulting to a series of plastic surgeries so as to be satisfied with his/her physical appearance. In my opinion, I would only recommend plastic surgery to individuals who have a medical problem. I would never encourage cosmetic surgery because it is doing more harm than enhancing appearance of individuals who are undertaking it. Most people who are addicted to cosmetic surgeries perceive themselves in the wrong manner. They normally have their imaginary images on their minds which they think they can turn to after the operation. This normally does not happen and that is why they undergo so many operations before they realize they are destroying their images. Plastic surgery should only be carried out under medical conditions not for pleasure. Pictures are all over the internet showing how plastic surgery addiction has caused a number of celebrities to lose their good looks. Cosmetic surgery is not good at all because it has not worked well for people who have done it. They are suffering from negative impacts of plastic surgery addiction. It should be therefore be discouraged unless under medical conditions. Conclusion Plastic surgery is not bad if it is used for solving a medical condition. However, having a plastic surgery for beauty purposes or look young should be discouraged by all means. It should be discouraged because it might possibly lead to addiction. Physicians as well as public awareness concerning BDD should be increased to control the unnecessary plastic surgeries. Doctors should also try their best to identify troubled patients so that they can direct them to psychologist or psychiatrist who can advise them. There are other treatments other than surgeries which can help people who have problems with their physical appearance. Psychologist and psychiatrists can really assist individuals with plastic surgeries addiction. The only problem to the control of this addiction is that cosmetic and plastic surgery is so accessible and doctors have not provided a regulation on the number of surgeries an individual should undergo in a given period.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Management Of People At Innodis Limited

Management Of People At Innodis Limited This report is an analysis of the management of people at Innodis, a company in Mauritius. We are trying to understand the functions of HR at different level within the organisation and essential how these functions are link to its overall strategy and mission and values. We will also address to how the company values its human capital to achieve its goals and at the same time ensure that the people are given career progression. Introduction We have chosen to do our assignment on Innodis simply because it is one of the most famous organizations in Mauritius. Innodis deals with consumer goods. At this time, Innodis has over of 1100 employees. The vision of Innodis is to continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years and beyond. Together with its strategic partners, Innodis has drawn a road-map to guides every aspect of its business by describing what the need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality and growth and thus become the preferred choice in all the market it operates. The mission statement of Innodis is the commitment to supply its customer and customers with the finest high- quality products and to lead the industry nutrition research and education. Innodis Ltd supports these goals with a corporate philosophy of adhering to the highest ethical conduct in all its business dealings, treatment of its employees, and social and environmental policies. At Innodis, they have their human resource department at the Head Office which is found in Port Louis. From there, they monitor the overall human resource operations by their human resource manager and with their administrative employees. Innodis has many branches and has a human resource officer and an assistant human resource officer at each branch. These human resource officers report to the human resource manager about everything dealing with employees. The fact that the company aims profit making, they make sure that the human resource operations go smoothly and do not impact on the quantitative results that is final output the qualitative results that are the outcomes. As ethics is an important part of the welfare of an organization, Innodis has the motto of ethics. However Innodis rather looks at the business case that is profit maximization. There is the intrusion of the trade unions concerning the welfare of employees. This is the reason why the company has to make sure that their employees are safe. Mission, Vision And Values Mission: To continuously work towards offering to our consumers selected products of the highest quality at affordable prices. Vision: To be the preferred choice in all markets that we operate. Values: To treasure the human capital and the personal development of all of our people indiscriminately of their position or social stratum. To comply strictly with food and environmental health and safety regulation and to continue to embrace sustainable development principle. Aspire to be the forerunners of innovation, especially when it comes to meeting consumer growing demand for healthier food alternatives. Innodis has been adhering to its mission and values closely and their has been considerable closing in on their vision. How Innodis has been staying focused on its vision will be discussed in this report progressively. Corporate Structure and Brief History Chairman: Sir Renà © Seevaye Kt. , CBE (Non Executive Director and founder of Innodis) Executive Director: Jean How Hong (CEO) Other Non-Executive Directors: Maurice de Marasse Enouf, Gil de Sornay. Innodis started as Mauritius Farms limited in 1973 as a family business for chicken production. In 1986, they became the exclusive supplier for the Laughing Cow from Fromageries Bel, France and some other Unilever products. They later changed their name in 1995 to Happy World Foods Limited and in 1996 they listed themselves on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. They received their first ISO 9001 certification in 1999 and a second one later in 2009. They diversified in yoghurt production under their own brand name Dairyvale. They again changed their name to Innodis Limited in 2006. In 2010, they expanded to Nigeria and Vietnam in the consultancy and management business. People at Innodis Innodis has been a leader in Human Resource functions in Mauritius and in 2010 they were awarded the Employer Brand and were also highlighted as the Best People Management Practices. Innodis values its human capital very highly by encouraging free expression of idea and talent in diverse fields and is noticeably see to have very loyal employees who have been working with Innodis for over 20 years. This contribution of knowledge, skills and experience from loyal employees add up to create value for Innodis and therefore this overall factor becomes a fundamental competitive advantage for Innodis. (Refer to Exhibit 1, 2 and 3 for the types of training given at different management levels) Recruitment at Innodis Innodis stick to a simple concept of recruitment which is to obtain at minimum cost the number and quality of employees required to satisfy the human needs of the company. The recruiting functions also aims to: Obtain a pool of suitable candidates for vacant post. Use a generally accepted and fair process. Ensure that all recruitment activities contribute to company goals and a desirable corporate image. Conduct a recruitment activities in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Innodis recruitment is based on an Advertise-Appointment-Interview policy. Normally appointments must be made in accordance with this policy and must, therefore, be subject to advertisement and interview. However there are exceptions to the application of this policy when it comes to grant awarding bodies. The Human Resources Department must approve any exceptions in advance of formal appointment, for example where a grant awarding body approves funding for a named individual to work on a particular piece of research and the grant is dependent on that individuals contribution. Innodis has a very practical recruiting culture. They basically tap into the companys culture to obtain a steady source of job applicants. Basically it recruits people mostly by referrals from existent employees but this concept is mostly applied at bottom management levels. This constant supply of job applicants results in a pipeline approach for Innodis to obtain recruits at a very low cost and thus achieving its main objective to get employees at low cost. They always have many applications stored for various types of jobs. For middle management and top management levels, vacancies are mostly filled from internal sources by promotions and transfers. Innodis ensure that appropriate candidates have the required skills and knowledge in order to get promotions. Most employees at Innodis are given appropriate training opportunities in order to promote their own development. This is also a very important strengthening factor to the culture at Innodis as it forms part of their core values. Nevertheless, training is a long process and if Innodis need an urgent replacement at those management level they are compelled to look from external recruitment sources with are mostly through advertising. (Refer to Exhibit 1, 2 and 3 for the types of promotions given at different management levels) Selection at Innodis At Innodis, selection is on the basis of appropriate criteria and merit, a record of the process and decision is kept and the monitoring information returned to the HR Department. When a vacancy arises, consideration must be given to staff whose posts are being made redundant and for whom redeployment is being sought. The HR department takes into consideration that recruiting a redeployed can reduce both the time and the cost incurred in filling a vacancy. The basis of selection process is to collect maximum possible information about the candidates to ascertain their suitability for employment and it involves the following steps: Screening of information Selection Tests Interviews Checking of References Physical Examination Approval by Appropriate Authority Placement Ethics of Recruitment at Innodis While processing the applicants, the Heads of Departments at Innodis make their staff aware that when dealing with enquiries about vacancies it is unlawful to state or imply that applications from one sex or from a particular racial group would be preferred. Care is also considered when initiating contacts with applicants that all are treated in the same way, for example with regard to invitations to visit the department, informal meetings to discuss the vacancy, and provision of information. The confidentiality of applications must be respected by all of those involved in the selection process. The company ensures that it is willing and able to attend all interviews for the duration of the recruitment process, to maintain consistency and to ensure fair treatment of all candidates. Short listing decisions should be based on evidence that the applicant has met the requirements of the person specification. Short listing panel members should avoid dismissing applicants who appear to be over-qualified. At Innodis, staffs conducting interviews must be aware that, although questions asked may not in themselves be discriminatory, the interpretation of answers by the panel could exhibit prejudice. For example, if indications of ambition were to be regarded as a worthy characteristic in applicants of one sex or ethnic group but not in another. Information regarding personal circumstances which is found in a CV or at interview must not be taken into consideration in reaching a selection decision. For example, the fact that a male candidate shares details of his domestic circumstances with the panel but a female candidate chooses not to (or vice versa), should not be taken into account. Effective Induction at Innodis It has been seen that new employees often experience an induction crisis. The new working environment is often perceived by the new recruit as frightening. This can result in high labor turnover. Innodis tries to reduce uncertainty in the new employee by presenting them with lots of information concerning: History of organization Mission statement and objectives Company and personnel ethics Structure of organization Terms of employments Payment systems and benefits Holidays and sickness arrangements Rules and regulations of the organization Innodis find that it is important to show how a certain job is linked to the overall goals of a business unit and that of the organisation. The role of all individuals are linked to the vision and mission of Innodis. Individuals are shown their part in the whole mechanism of achieving the objectives of Innodis and through this they develop a sense of belongingness to Innodis by bringing around positive attitudes and increased motivations and performance. Training and Development It is in the core values of Innodis to treasure human capital and the development of their staffs indiscriminately. They provide a variety of trainings to employees based on their management hierarchy. These trainings mainly aim at increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at different level that may lead to increased productivity, quality of work and work life. Innodis uses training as a platform to develop a positive culture to manage the process of change within the organisation. Employees are trained mostly for future promotions at Innodis, however, they also conduct training so that employees are able to cope with changes in design, process and technology in their actual position. Innodis has many ties up with several educational institutions, notably the University of Mauritius and the Industrial and Vocational Training Board (IVTB), where its employees can benefit from good quality trainings at competitive costs with some partners. The HR department does not have a fixed budget allocated to training as for now but past expenditure have been ranging from INR1500000 to INR 4000000. Different types are training are given to employees based on their current position at Innodis. (Refer to Exhibit 1, 2 and 3 for the types of training given at different management levels) Performance Management According to Armstrong and Baron (1998), performance management is both a strategic and an integrated approach to delivering successful results in organisations by improving the performance and developing the capabilities of teams and the individuals. At Innodis, the organizations values are defined. The vision statement communicates both the purpose and the values. Innodis Ltd supports its goals with a corporate philosophy of adhering to the highest ethical conduct in all its business dealings, treatment of its employees, social and environmental policies. Several ISO quality certifications and government awards attest to the commitment of Innodis of achieving its mission statement. They have also been driving innovative and healthier product to the Mauritian market and are the actual leaders in those areas. Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is the actual process of evaluation of the work of employees and aims at analyzing the gap between actual performance and the expected performance. It is a systematic and formal method of staff assessment. Performance appraisal also involves providing feedback to the employees with the aim of motivating that person to eliminate performance deficiencies at par. At Innodis the performance appraisal is different for jobs at different management levels. Different assessment methods will differentiate between past and present performance based on skills improvement and knowledge gain. Some benefits of Performance Appraisal at Innodis are : Performance appraisal helps in identifying problems at Innodis, which the staff may raise regarding their work environment. For instance, they may have lack of space to perform their work. The workers may feel that they are not well equipped as they have insufficient and outdated equipments. Therefore, by identifying these issues earlier through performance appraisal, the organization may overcome losses that might have occurred. It identifies potential problems with individual staff members and takes actions to deal with those problems. For example, it analyses the poor performances of the employees as well as their absenteeism and lack of motivation among them. Through performance appraisal, these individualistic problems are considered and corrective measures are taken at Innodis Ltd. Performance appraisal also identifies future training needs within the company. This is done so that the employees skills are improved. It is therefore planned systematically in order to promote the organizations products. It equally identifies those members of staff who are suitable for promotion and career progression. Human Resource Policies at Innodis associated to Performance Appraisal Some of the overall policies that are linked with performance appraisal are as follows: Equity As performance appraisals aim is to provide opportunities to managers and the subordinates similarly, equity is about treating its employees fairly as well as providing them with equal opportunities to perform tasks. Considerations, working conditions and quality of working life Performance appraisal also considers employees work-situation, security, working environment, safety related to equipments, their performances according to their work performed and the career prospects that they can have. In the same way, the consideration, working environment and the quality of working life according to the policies are such that they look at individual circumstances, its prospects, security, and employees self-respect and a pleasant working environment. It as well looks at the improvement of the quality of working life continuously and it increases a sense of satisfaction for the employees. Performance through people Performance appraisal is all about rating employees performance and identifying problems that can become obstacles in their jobs. Similarly, performance through people is such that it develops a fair culture in the sense that it leads to a continuous improvement. Reward Management At Innodis Limited, the reward system is both financial and non-financial which are considered at the end of its financial year in July. There are intrinsic rewards like basic pay, employee benefits and compensation and extrinsic rewards like feedback, recognition, praise, promotion to higher position. As a private company, it also provides merit pay to reinforce the performance trend. The pay structure of the company is essential for quality performance and competitiveness and also recruiting and retaining a good labour force. At Innodis, the reward system is consistent and a key driver for both the human resource operations and the company strategy. At managerial level, the employers have the provision for fringe benefits and allowances such as company car its allowances or company health dividends while the lower level workers are granted with their basic pay and transport facilities. There also the merit pay which helps in performance which reinforces the culture in the organisation. Also there is increment in pay based on the number of years worked in the company. This is why the pay structure at Innodis Limited, are specifically used as tool in bringing innovation and change to the human resource operations which also establishes a corporate reputation in dealing with people. (Refer to Exhibit 1, 2 and 3 for the types of rewards given at different management levels) A well designed HR policy can be beneficial to Innodis as it ensures employees understand their responsibilities and how they should deal with various situations. It also provides a framework to help managers resolve problems fairly and consistently. Reward Procedures The annual pay review of the annual report of Innodis Limited enables its reward system to operate efficiently and flexible. It has enabled much commitment and innovation in the company. The policies and procedures are regularly reviewed by assistant managers at Innodis Limited which tends to be very helpful for the organisations decision-making or if ever to give one months notice of any policy change. At Innodis, there are guidelines for decision making which sets the levels of pay as opposed to competitors rates. There are formalised policy being used in training and induction of new applicants. Equity and proper working conditions are also implemented to have equal opportunities and impact upon productivity when dealing with people. Standards policies has been set at Innodis Ltd as it is essential in dealing with people matters, inculcating values and provide framework within which decisions are being made. Being a private organisation, it facilitates empowerment and delegation through corporate culture. Conflict in the Human Resource Contribution No matter the human resource operations contribute to the effectiveness of the organisation, there are conflicts that may arise in the following ways: A clash of values where the line managers simply regard their workers as factors of production to be exploited and dispensed within accordance with organizational imperatives Different priorities which involve getting rid of people. It should be noted that employees are an important asset for an organization. Disputes may arise out of the interference of trade unions. Conflict can be creative if an integrative approach is used to settle clarifying priorities, policies and roles, using agreed procedures to deal with grievances and disputes and achieving consensus through a solution that recognizes the interests of both parties. If these conflicts can be dealt with, Innodis can become more productive and the welfare of its employees will improve much more and this will result in employees` commitment and thus the goals and objectives can be easily achieved. Conclusion To conclude, managing people in an organisation whether it is of large size or small size is very important since human resource operations help the organisation to attain its goals and objectives if they are well integrated and carry out. They help in the day to day running of the organisation and they are very important. If human resource operations are well carried out in an organisation, they will help in ensuring that there is a good relationship between employees and the management as the employees will be well taken care of. At Innodis, they have developed a very strategic approach at every step in HR operations and at every turn, they strengthen their organisational culture and commitment to their mission and values. Exhibit 1 Below is an example of a job description for a top management position at Innodis together with some information with prospective trainings, performance appraisal and potential rewards associated to that job. Job Title: Director of Administration Purpose: A director of administration manages the overall daily office operations. Implement organisational strategies and policies, plan the use of materials and human resources and manage the administrative staff. Responsibilities: Negotiates contracts, manages vendor relationships, primary liaison to building landlord and oversees office operating procedures. Qualifications: For a director of administration position typically consist of a bachelors degree in business administration or other related field and at least 10 years of experience. Skills: This position may also require additional skills such as the ability to identify and implement best practices, work independently, think strategically, plan for the long-term success. Salary(Approximate): INR 120000+ /month Potential Training Areas: MBA programs at the University of Mauritius, Courses in Resources Management, Diplomas in Statistics and Economics. Innodis offers some training to its top management staffs in fields where they are most likely to expand. Recently they have had much interest in expanding beyond the Mauritian shores and are looking forward to develop talents in international business laws and cross border business coordination. These courses are limited in numbers and usually are very expensive and are mostly proposed to long term employees and those who have some knowledge and experience in related positions. For example the master level courses at the University of Mauritius ranges from INR150000 to INR400000 The effectiveness of such training are usually measured in the form of new mechanisms brought in by the individuals in the organisation to improve existing systems. Better management and operations would have a direct impact on the turnover on several business units that a top manager would have influence on. People at these level are generally rewarded with company cars and drivers and depending on their ef fectiveness end of year bonuses are given. However, in some cases, shares are given to top level employees in the strategic aim to retain their loyalty to the company. Exhibit 2 Below is an example of a job description for a Sales Manager at Innodis together with some information with prospective trainings, performance appraisal and potential rewards associated to that job. Job Title: Sales Manager Purpose: Develops and maintains a high performance sales culture within the branch and is responsible for staff management functions.The Sales Manager pursues sales excellence, works to achieve shareholder/stakeholder benefit and to increase the long-term value of the business by maintaining high levels of individual and team performance. Responsibilities: Personally develop and maintain relationships with key customers and prospective customers across the branch/location market area. Maintain a strong understanding of the market trends across the branch/location market area, including the competition. Promote a positive and professional sales attitude.Report daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly activities and sales results, using the companys standardized processes and tools. Qualifications: 5-7 years of experience in sales management. Strong understanding of customer and market dynamics and requirements. Willingness to travel and work in a global team of professionals. Proven leadership and ability to drive sales teams. Skills: Selecting and developing the right people. Motivating people. Communication. Integrity Salary(Approximate): INR 80000+ /month Potential Training Areas: Diploma in Marketing, Certification courses in retailing. Sales managers are key positions within Innodis because much of their business depends on good customer relationships and retailing. Sales managers are generally given highly competitive salaries. A key factor that enhances their recruitment chances at Innodis are their team leading and management skills and also past sales records. Most people at middle management levels are those who were once part of the bottom management and were promoted. They already possess an idea of the organisation cultures and goals and therefore their integration to their new positions are rendered easier. Innodis provides middle management people with training for mainly two reason. One is to sharpen their skills in appropriate and prospective domains and second is to prepare them for promotions. However, the promotion from a middle management to a top management require the candidate to have a good performance record over several year and normally takes a long time. Employees may begin to feel the stagn ancy at this level and Innodis tried to counter that effect with a good reward system for them. They, in most cases, benefit from good commission on sales and flexible holidays and work days, company cars and some reduced tariffs at some of companys facilities. At the middle management, the performance is generally measured as a team performance. That is, the overall productivity change of a sales team for example would reflect the performance of the responsible sales manager. Increase in new accounts, sales turnover and decreased sales expenses are some of the key performance areas. Exhibit 3 Job Title: Sales Representative Purpose: Sales Representative should attend day to day routine activities related to selling and maintain good relationship with current and prospective customers. Responsibilities: Sell products to customers and potential customers and maintain a database with their purchases and be able to renew inventories. Qualifications: Must to have above 21, Standard 10 + 2 with emphasis on some courses like marketing, promotions, communications and finance. Skills: Sales Representative should be confident, energetic, organised and resilient. They need to possess strong written and verbal communication skills, and be experts in customer service. Sales officers should also own at least a basic understanding of maths, as they often deal with prices, deals and commissions. Salary(Approximate): INR 50000+ /month Potential Training Areas: Vocational courses related to marketing and negotiation, Seminars for teamwork techniques and new technologies. At the bottom levels, most recruit are brought in through referrals from existing employees. They submit their application forms and are usually short listed according to their past experiences and communication skills. The induction work needs to be done here because the new recruits are still to adapt to a new environment and know the culture of the organisation. They are provided with an on the job training period for their new job among existing employees from which they usually learn from the experience of others and take advantage of tips from more experienced individuals. Most employees undergo training when there are changes in design, processes or technology in their present jobs. Employees showing potential and good performance in terms of high sales records, good customer feedbacks and low absenteeism are given additional training in diverse fields to increase their skills and knowledge. For example, more technical knowledge of some products are imparted to some sales representative who are interested. Job rotation is also a crucial aspect which prepares an individual for promotion after some time. Employees at this level are usually provided transport facilities to and from the work place and usually have varied incentives. Sales representatives are given reduced tariffs on certain company products and also benefit from refundable medical bills to a certain amount. Loyalty of long term employees are rewarded by company awards and occasional gifts. At retirement, such employees are given some shares in the company together with a severance package.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free Great Gatsby Essays: Genre :: Great Gatsby Essays

The Genre of The Great Gatsby If you want to find out, into which literary corner F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, the "Great Gatsby", belongs, you’ve got to take a look at two main genres of novel-writing, the so-called "novel of manners" on the one hand and the romance on the other. The novel of manners gives, using most of the time a rather satirical tone, a sharp portrayal of the actual life as it really is and also of the social behaviour and attitudes that are closely related with it. This type of novel concentrates on people of a certain class, time and place are clearly defined. The individual attitudes of those people, their inner desires, get into conflict with the more conventional values, which are defined by the society they live in. The result is, that the protagonist has the problem of combining himself and his desires with the rules (the manners) of society, that he himself as a part of this society helped to establish, involuntarily. Examples for this special kind of novel are creations of authors like Henry Fielding and Jane Austen. On the other hand there is the romance, not aiming at a detailed description of life, but wanting to show it as it is imaginatively seen. The romance concentrates on the inner aspects of human nature, it is not concerned with ordinary events. It is difficult to decide to which literary type the "Great Gatsby" belongs. It is possible to read it as a novel of manners for it presents life and atmosphere of the Roaring Twenties in America, the Jazz Age, marked by prohibition, the organised crime, the new woman as well as the wealthy upper-class and their carelessness in most affairs. Fitzgerald is also using a satirical and comic tone most of the time. But the book could as well be read as a romance. This seems to be even more appropriate for the book is concerned with the portrayal of a man's idealism in all its glory but as well in all its unreality and unworldliness. Gatsby is presented as a mysterious figure, fitting well within the fantasy and magic of his naive dream. He is Prince Charming, the gallant knight, trying to get his Princess in white, it's a perfect example for a sad and tragic fairy-tale. While writing the "Great Gatsby", Fitzgerald got influenced by several other books, such as "The Decline of the West" by Oswald Spengler, published 1918-1922, which is portraying the Western civilisation as being in a state of decay.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Compare and Contrast “A Raisin in the Sun.”

Compare/Contrast Paper on â€Å"Raisin in the Sun, â€Å"by Lorraine Hansberry. The play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun,† was a radically new representation of black life, resolutely authentic, fiercely unsentimental, and unflinching in its vision of what happens to people whose dreams are constantly deferred. I compared Act One, Scene 2, in the play and the film. The setting in the play is on a Saturday morning, and house cleaning is in process at the Youngers. In the film, the setting is the same as play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is when Mrs. Younger gets the insurance check of $10,000. In the film, the plot is the same, but includes music not mentioned in the play. The dialogue in the film has some deletions from the original text, with new dialogue added throughout the scene. Some film techniques used are: the film cuts back and forth to different characters, the room is well lit with the sunshine coming in through the window, and music is added throughout some parts of this scene. Perhaps the biggest difference between the play and the film in this scene involves dialogue. Much of the dialogue is deleted; however, new dialogue is added through some parts of this scene. Also, in the play, the mailman comes up to their apartment and rings the doorbell unlike the film, Travis runs up to him outside the building and gets the mail from him right away and runs back to give it to Mrs. Younger (his grandma). Racism was rampant during the 1950’s and this often hindered African American dreams. What is the American dream? In the play, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Walter is depicted as being a very ambitious and determined man. He often had dreams of making a better life for his family and himself. One way of making a reaching his dream was to open a liquor store. â€Å"I got a dream†¦. I got to take hold of this here world; I’m going to open a liquor store. † (p. 701). This is all Walter dreams about. A way for him to achieve this dream is to utilize the $10,000 insurance money from his father’s death. Walter’s dream conflicts with his mother’s, Lena’s (mama’s), dream. Lena, known as mama, is a strong, caring, and very religious woman. She works very hard to try and help her family have the best. She dreams of owning a house for the family â€Å"You should know the dream I have of owning a house and fixing it up and making me a little garden† (p. 707). This brings about conflict with the other family members, particularly Walter who is already set on opening his own liquor store.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My aim in life Essay

â€Å"The mere act of aiming at something big makes you big.† (Jawaharlal Nehru) Bestowing man with life and sending him on earth to live is fully justified. This all has been done for a specific reason. Idealizing his purpose and endeavoring to objectify it into reality is the real pinnacle/ culmination of human being. A man without an aim is like a rudderless ship in stormy sea; a vagabond wandering/rambling in streets with no particular direction to follow. To give one’s life a defined pattern and to enjoy it in its full bloom, one must have an aim in his life. â€Å"Aim simply means an ambition or a desire for ones future which helps him keeping attention focused on particular target.† In this avaricious and money-oriented world, everyone enjoys a materialistic life and lives for an aim that proves to be a financial boost as well. That is the reason why most of the people wish to become a doctor, engineer or a businessman. But I dream of becoming a techer. Though teachers are very ill-paid in our society, I want to adopt this profession on completely spiritual basis. Teaching, being the work of prophets and saints, is also a subject of my religious inclination. I always love to wonder teaching a number of students the principles of justice and fair play, epitomizing them in a particular skill and nurturing their fledgling ideas into veteran moods. I want to contribute in the society by providing it with minds having innovative ideas, high objectives and good moral values; an assemblage that will steer the sinking boat of our country through the winding river to a heavenly abode. Becoming a teacher would be a way to do that. I want to inculcate the sense of richness of talent in the brooding minds with which they can do something exemplary. I want to be the guiding star showing the right path to the passengers lost in the pitchy darkness. I wish to open new horizons to/on the coming generation so that they may learn something new beyond the world of books; so that they may learn seeking answers themselves, something learned not by reading but by experiencing/practicing. For this, I would have to be a paragon of the saying of F.W. Robertson: â€Å"The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be not to impart his own opinions but to kindle minds.† Savoring that wonderful sensation when one of your students gets a feather in the cap; experiencing the love of hundreds of adolescents; tackling with their pure mischiefs and lifting them  up to rule the sky, are those experiences only a teacher can have. Our country is direly lacking true teachers. It needs educators, mentors, reformers, guides and moralists as teachers. I would like to develop all these characteristic capabilities among my pupil so that they may serve the society in the best possible way. Becoming a doctor, I would be treating patients only! Becoming an engineer would merely result in constructing buildings! But becoming a teacher, I would be able to build a whole new society and can treat the entire spiritual (mystical) ailments prevailing around; provide the society the best manpower; and produce many doctors, engineers, bureaucrats, business men and many more, as Alexander once said: â€Å"The world doesn’t need any Alexander, but Aristotle. As Alexander can’t make any Aristotle but Aristotle can produce many Alexander’s.† A teacher plays the most constructive role in the society. He changes attitudes, to maintain a congenial environment for the society to flourish. He is the one who makes anonymous reap laurels. Utilizing all hi s capacities, he makes his pupil continue their journey amidst the endless world of victories. Doing all this, his spiritual ecstasy is at its peak and this is the foremost reason why I aim at becoming a teacher.

A Glance At To Kill A Mockingbird English Literature Essay

Artlessness is a characteristic easy thrown off and replaced by society ‘s evilness. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, artlessness has been ignored and replaced in many ways. Mockingbirds are guiltless and do music, but when you kill them the music stops, such as Boo Radley is misunderstood, Scout was attacked, being exposed to evil every bit good as forced to turn up, and Tom Robinson being stereotyped taking him into persecution. Boo Radley is like a mocker because he is misunderstood and everyone seems to assail him when in fact he is really a human being, merely making out for person, Scout was exposed to the immorality of world which had forced her to turn up faster to oppugn the society. Another mocker would Tom Robinson once more guiltless, but due to stereotypes, he ended up acquiring persecuted by the racist jury ‘s determination. Lookout is a mocking bird in its purest signifier ; she ne'er meaningfully hurts anyone, and she is an guiltless, five twelvemonth old miss who has no experience with the immoralities of the universe. Scout ‘s artlessness was taken off from her by Miss. Caroline invariably picking on her for cognizing how to read, doing her intelligence seem like a bad thing to cognize for her age. Her artlessness is best described when Miss. Caroline says â€Å" Your male parent does non cognize how to learn. You can hold a place now. † â€Å" I mumbled that I was regretful and retired chew overing upon my offense. † ( page 5 ) This demonstrates that although the offense accused of was non a big one, she was still excusatory towards Miss. Caroline, alternatively of speaking back in any contemptuous mode. Scout learns easy throughout the novel, the faces of the universe. Through those faces she is forced to associate Atticus ‘ instructions to the universe of Maycomb, includi ng her illustrations of Boo as individual. In the terminal Scout realizes, that Boo is one of the Mockingbirds that Atticus would speak about, where she says â€Å" when they eventually saw him, why he had n't done any of those thingsA †¦ Atticus, he was existent nice, † to which he responds, â€Å" Most people are, Scout, when you eventually see them. † ( page 281 ) With the consistence of Scout acquiring in problem by many people of Maycomb, Scout is forced to turn up after confronting important faces by Tom Robinson ‘s test, and the image of Boo turning out to be false. Maycomb society finds it hard to accept people that are different by certain characteristics or outlook even. Tom Robinson was guiltless, but was easy stereotyped because of the coloring material of his tegument. â€Å" Typical of a nigga ‘s outlook to hold a program, no idea for the farther, merely run blind first opportunity he saw † ( pg.265 ) . In this quotation mark by â€Å" typical † Lee means that all black people have a lower intelligence degree so white people. Stereotypes and racism can besides take the darkness in people ‘s bosom out, which causes them to disregard artlessness. Atticus stated â€Å" a topographic point where a adult male ought to acquire a square trade is in a courtroom, be he any coloring material of the rainbow. Peoples have a manner or transporting their bitternesss right into a jury box ( pg. 220 ) . † This means that even the tribunal ‘s justness system can besides be influenced by favoritism and society regulat ions. Tom Robinson was targeted like a mocker does for singing. His artlessness was darkened out and his tegument tone was brought out as a ground for him to be guilty. Tom was persecuted because Maycomb County believed that no black adult male could be right. The society discriminates anything that does non follow their regulations. Mockingbirds are guiltless and do music, but when you kill them the music stops, such as Boo Radley is misunderstood, Scout was attacked, being exposed to evil every bit good as forced to turn up, and Tom Robinson being stereotyped taking him into persecution. Therefore, it is a wickedness to kill a mocker when its artlessness, exposure and the pureness is replaced by silence.